The legendary NWU arch juxtaposed by green trees and blue sky.
Procedures for starting and maintaining student organizations

Contact or visit us

Derrick Gulley Jr., M.A.
Director of Student Engagement in Student Life
Center for Student Involvement
Roy Story Student Center, Lower Level
(402) 465-2411
dgulley [at] (dgulley[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

Procedures for starting and maintaining student organizations

  1. Campus organizations and student groups may be established for any legal purpose compatible with the policies of the institution.
  2. A group shall become an organization when formally recognized by the University. A group shall submit the following proof and evidence to the Center for Student Involvement and to the Student Affairs Senate (SAS) through the Student Affairs Committee:
    1. A list of names of a minimum of five Nebraska Wesleyan student members, any officers, faculty or staff member agreeing to act as an advisor/consultant, and copies of the constitution and bylaws. The constitution and bylaws shall include a statement of purpose, officer information, procedures for conducting business, and a statement which indicates the organization will not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, age, sex, creed, color, disability, marital status, national or ethnic origin or sexual orientation. Note: Certain organizations such as social fraternities and sororities are not subject to the discrimination clause on the basis of sex. Department of Education Title IX guidelines will be followed in determining this exemption.
    2. Where there is affiliation with a non-campus organization, that organization’s constitution and bylaws shall be filed with the Center for Student Involvement and the Student Affairs Committee of SAS. All amendments shall be submitted within a reasonable time after they become effective.
    3. All sources of income outside of student activity funds shall be disclosed as to the group seeking recognition and to any non-campus organization with which it is affiliated.
  3. An organization is considered to be officially recognized by the University when SAS passes a bill recommending recognition.
  4. All recognized student organizations must submit updated forms to the Center for Student Involvement as requested each fall or as group information changes. Failure to do so will result in the organization being declared inactive, being unable to reserve University facilities and request or receive funding from SAS.
  5. Upon recognition of an organization, the University and organization shall make clear that the recognition implies neither approval nor disapproval of the aims, objectives, and policies of the organization.
  6. Membership in all organizations, within limits of their facilities, shall be open to any member of the University community who is willing to subscribe to the stated aims and who meets the stated obligations and requirements of the organizations.
  7. University facilities may be assigned to regular student organizations, groups, and individuals within the University community for regular business meetings for social programs and for programs open to the public.
    1. Reasonable conditions may be imposed to regulate the timeliness of requests, to determine the appropriateness of the space assigned, to regulate time and use, and to insure proper maintenance.
    2. Preference may be given to programs designed for audiences and consisting primarily of members of the University community.
    3. Allocation of space shall be made based on priority of request and the demonstrated needs of the organization, group or individual.
    4. Charges may be imposed for any unusual cost for use of facilities.
    5. Physical abuse of assigned facilities shall result in reasonable limitations on future allocation of space to offending parties and restitution for damages.
    6. The individual, group, or organization requesting space must inform the University of the general purpose of any meeting open to persons other than members, and provide the names of outside speakers.
    7. It should be made clear to the academic community and the community at large that sponsorship of guest speakers does not necessarily imply approval or endorsement of the views expressed, either by the sponsoring group or the University.
    8. University facilities may not be assigned in cases where violence is a reasonable possibility.
  8. The authority to allocate University funds derived from student fees for use by organizations shall be delegated to the Student Affairs Senate.
    1. Approval of requests for funds is conditioned upon submission of a budget to, and approval by this body.
    2. Financial accountability is required for all allocated funds, including statements of income and expenses on a regular basis. Otherwise, organizations shall have independent control over the expenditure of allocated funds.
  9. No individual, group, or organization may use the University’s name without the express authorization of the University except to identify the institutional affiliation. University approval or disapproval of any policy or action shall not be stated or implied by any individual, group or organization.